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Lauren James is a senior leader in sustainability in the corporate world, a yoga teacher and heart centred performance / divine feminine coach. She works with driven people to achieve their goals in a way that results in less push and stress, better results and in a sustainable way without burning out in the process.

In late 2020 following a traumatic corporate redundancy, she went on to break her neck horseriding on her honeymoon (I know!). The silver lining of this twist of fate, was learning to slow down and really appreciate the simplicity of life. It truly was a life-changer! This turning point has deepened Lauren’s passion for authentic sustainability, living a life true to you, connected to your heart and making choices that empower rather than drain you. She is also no stranger to coming back from adversity and facing into a new identity including being a fur-mum - to a 5-and-growing count of fur babies!!

One things is for sure, Lauren loves to learn and is always adding another string to her bow. Trained in vinyasa and yin yoga at the Centre for Contemporary Yoga Studies and also Yin L1 and 2 with Jennifer Crescenzo in Melbourne, as well as Trauma Sensitive Yin with Stella Goetz, she is both a Reiki practitioner, an Art of Feminine Presence teacher and Beautiful You Academy life coach. So expect all this and more in the adventure that is her healing approach.

Lauren uses her strong creativity and sense of adventure to tune into you and create a uniquely tailored, sacred wellness and life experience to shift you into a bold, feminine way of being and achieving for quick and lasting results. You’ll feel more like yourself than ever before.

Importantly she wants you to be energised from a sustainable, renewable source (that isn’t coffee)…. and that is being authentically, sustainably you.

I help people to explore the inner sanctum of their mind and heart so they can show up more fully and live their best, most sustainable life in their personal life and in business.

I’m a highly driven explorer and truth-seeker who is on a mission to support, heal and empower people to be living their best sustainable life!

